Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Happiness Project: Reorganize!

I am in a book club this year, and our group is reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. We are taking a different approach than other book clubs that I have enjoyed in the past.

The Happiness Project is divided up into months, and we are reading a chapter each month. January's theme was Boost Energy and the goals are to get more sleep; recycle, reorganize, and restore; exercise; and act more energetic.

I am pleased to say that January was a pretty good month for me. I managed to make some significant progress on a number of fronts. I reorganized some drawers, joined WW, and also have been sleeping better than ever - which has been helping EVERYTHING!

For example, I have a secret weakness for the hotel soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc. I use the shower caps either for my hair or for the kitchen where they cover leftovers, etc. But the toiletries have become a bit of a beast to manage. You see, a few years ago I culled through my loot and donated (reduce and recycle) all of the brands that were not so exciting to a women's shelter. So, I was only left with my more super products. The problem was that I was collecting the faster than I was organizing them - so I was left with a bot of a mess. Well, I have tackled that! In February! (The ideas is to allow a month for the habits to sink in, and then you continue them as the year progresses).

I should have done a before and after - but here is the after and I am damn proud of it!!!

The funny part is, when I showed my husband - he thanked me and gave me a kiss and said "Thank you so much sweetie. You know I get a bit crazy when things look disorganized. This really helps me and makes me feel good to see how organized this is." I think that the amazing thing is that he had never said anything (about this particular area). One of the goals for February is to Remember Love. I am planning to practice one of the recommendations in the chapter - "The secret of a strong marriage is to leave at least 3 things unsaid each day." I am striving toward this. I did notice that J. did this without reading the book...very sneaky. I never knew this bothered him, and now I know.

Well, more on Feb goals later this month. Here is to today's successes!

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